Custom Cookie Pricing
Custom cookies begin at $70 per dozen.
Exact pricing will be given once we've had a chance to discuss your cookie needs. Certain details such as intricate designs, multiple colors, use of gold or silver, or hand painting will increase the price.
There are a variety of packaging options. All cookies will come individually sealed unless otherwise planned. For an additional fee, cookies can be packaged as favors (individually sealed, color coordinating bows and individual ingredients labels) or even boxed as individual gifts. Please inquire for pricing.
If you have a Pinterest board, inspiration photos, invitations, or even tableware you would like to match, please attach a photo. We aim to have the designs coordinate with your theme as best as possible.
Please note: There is a $50 deposit for all custom orders. Final payment is due before pick up.
Exact pricing will be given once we've had a chance to discuss your cookie needs. Certain details such as intricate designs, multiple colors, use of gold or silver, or hand painting will increase the price.
There are a variety of packaging options. All cookies will come individually sealed unless otherwise planned. For an additional fee, cookies can be packaged as favors (individually sealed, color coordinating bows and individual ingredients labels) or even boxed as individual gifts. Please inquire for pricing.
If you have a Pinterest board, inspiration photos, invitations, or even tableware you would like to match, please attach a photo. We aim to have the designs coordinate with your theme as best as possible.
Please note: There is a $50 deposit for all custom orders. Final payment is due before pick up.